
The Management of Hargreaves recognise the importance of effective environmental control in a modern business environment.  To demonstrate commitment to environmental management and further develop our high standards and exemplary performance record, we adopt a pro-active approach to all environmental related matters and actively encourage worker participation at all levels.

Certificated to BS EN ISO 14001, Hargreaves Industrial Services have a robust environmental management system which supports the delivery of the following:

  • Environmental targets and objectives, reviewed on an ongoing basis and updated fully annually.
  • The implementation of environmental aspect and impact assessments for all our activities.
  • Continual development of environmental knowledge and training for all employees.
  • Actively managing sustainability in our supply chain.

We are proud to launch our Net Zero Transition Plan, with a clear strategy to have net zero emissions from corporate activities by 2030 and net zero from all operations by 2050. Our plan demonstrates how we are pioneering sustainable earthworks for infrastructure and facilitating renewable energy developments across the UK. Please access the Group’s Net Zero Transition Plan here.